Новости CIVL. Женщины, юниоры и балласт.
Добрый день коллеги, приходят интересные новости от заседания комиссии по свободному полету, CIVL FAI.
Основные новости.
1) Более строгий контроль за нагрузочными тестами крыльев CCC (теоретическим и практическим). Требования к ним остаются без изменений. (Load test на 23G, 14 см лимитатор скорости).
2) Снимается ограничение на размер балласта у пилота. Теперь нету этих +33 кг, важно чтобы пилот находился в рамках сертификационный вилки.
3) На Чемпионат Мира теперь отдельная квота в топ-5 женщин рейтинга WPRS, даже если они (женщины) не входят в состав своей национальной сборной.
4) Принято решение проводить юниорский зачёт по кросс-кантри (так же и в точности и в акро), для пилотов не старше 25 лет. В том числе планируется юниорский WPRS.
Более подробно на англ.
News from Adrian Thomas
I’m at the CIVL plenary Lausanne. A few decisions have been made that are likely to be of interest to competition pilots.
CCC rules: no change to CCC rules. A minor rewording of the summary is required to make it absolutely clear that any new CCC design has to go through the full EN926 physical load test (shock and sustained) as well as the 23G line strength test (theoretical calculation). That was already in the rules from the last revision, but some manufacturers and testing organisations do not seem to have been applying it thoroughly before testing wings.
The revised CCC summary will be adjusted by bringing the load test requirements forward to items 2 and 3 and adding emphasis:
1.1 CIVL Competition Class summary
The CIVL Competition Class definition can be summarized as follows:
1. EN certification (EN 926-1 and EN926-2) is used as the basis but with modifications:
2. Require all CCC gliders of every model and size to pass the 23G theoretical load test, minimum line strength 20daN, minimum main brake line strength 100daN.
3. In addition to the 23G theoretical test require all new designs, with line layout, structure or materials different from that manufacturer’s existing tested models, to pass the full physical EN926-1 shock and sustained load tests.
4. Additionally, restrict top speed by limiting the accelerator effect to 14cm maximum.
5. Additionally, require riser sets with a mandatory 140mm limiter (5mm tolerance).
6. Forego flight tests that are irrelevant to this class of gliders
7. Require the relevant load and flight tests to be performed and/or assessed by an independent accredited test organisation on a glider with maximum take-off-weight 95kg and permit manufacturer self-certification of other sizes of the glider designed by linear scaling from that glider.
8. Set the waiting time until pilot input for collapse tests to three seconds
9. Set the time permitted after pilot input until glider recovery to maximum 3 seconds
10. Require flight tests to be conducted at the top of a wing’s weight range
11. Require flight tests to be conducted at trim speed and at a set higher speed defined by a certification limiter that restricts maximum riser travel to between100mm and 105mm
12. Require the user’s manual to contain additional information on the paraglider’s operation and maintenance
13. Add clear, precise and simple-to-follow dimensions, measurements and testing procedures to verify a wing’s conformity with certificationDiscretionary entry at CAT 1 events. The current system has a problem particularly for women where if many top women come from a single country they can’t all get places at the worlds (because those places are allocated by national team). The new system will allow discretionary places for the top 5 WPRS ranked women, if they are not already on the national team, but pilots with discretionary places only score individually, not for the national team.
Junior Champions: there will be a new category for junior (under 25) champions in paragliding XC, initially implemented in the WPRS. There will be similar things for accuracy and Acro.
Ballast: CIVL will follow the procedure successfully adopted in PWCA and once the rules revision comes into force (usually May) CIVL will no longer weigh pilots and allow them to fly at naked weight + 33kg of equipment. That procedure has proved unenforceable with pilots doing daft things like (in one case) drinking 5 litres of water before being weighed. Instead the rules will be changed to require pilots to fly within the certified weight range of the glider (which can be checked just by weighing pilots with their full flying kit before they launch).
Источник – Fb. PGforum.